
day 5 and pouting.

Okay, so it's the fifth day of my quest to give up patially hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup for Lent. I've already encountered two separate events where I would have consumed the evil trans fats. Dun! dun! dun!

First of all, my poor husband had an episode at urgent care and then a skin graft surgery the following day. He's doing fine, but I'm a firm believer that if you're sick or recuperating from a stressful event, you should be waited on hand-and-foot, and be given whatever you want. So I splurged and bought him his favorite candy - Reeces Pieces, which I am never willing to buy for him based on the lack of nutrition of this tasty treat. Anyways, while he was enjoying them, I, of course, wanted a handful! But, alas, I had to refuse, as they contain partially hydrogenated oil.

And, just now, reaching for a mid-afternoon snack to get me through to dinner. A small, Quaker Oats chocolate chip granola bar. Dang ingredient list! But, my willpower prevailed, and I'm still going strong.

Here's to another 35 days!

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