

Here's an idea... let's create a PR campaign surrounding the Swine Flu warning everyone that eating pork products will significantly increase their risk of contracting the disease. Then people will freak out and stop eating pigs! Right? Right?!

The big swine flu news in the ethical and environmental eating world is the link between Mexico-based hog confined animal feeding operations (CFO's) and the swine flu outbreak. There are dozens of reasons CFO's are bad for animals, humans and the environment, and it is one of the reasons I became a vegetarian. Maybe the only positive thing about the swine flu is bringing some awareness to the horrible living conditions these animals endure, and the consequences it can have on the world.

I recommend the blog articles by Chews Wise and Civil Eats for more in-depth information on this topic. And if you are really curious about swine flu and factory farms, visit the Humane Society's article here. (Not for sensitive eyes).

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